10 nutritional principles of the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean food pattern was “discovered” and studied by Ancel Keys and his international team during the 50’s of the 20th century, with results confirmed by subsequent researches and studies and also recognised by WHO - World Health Organization and it proved to be important as a preventive factor against diseases and a protector of the human health.
The Mediterranean Diet comprises a set of 10 nutritional principles:
1. Frugality and simple cooking based on the variety and wealth of nutrients contained in soups, boiled food, the stews,..
2. A high ingestion of vegetables in detriment of the ingestion of food products of animal origin, namely horticultural products, fruit, unrefined cereals, dried and fresh leguminous plants,  dried fruit and oil seeds.
3. Consumption of locally produced or of proximity, fresh and seasonal vegetables;
4. Consumption of olive oil as main dietary source of fat;
5. Moderate consumption of dairy products;
6. Use of herbs for seasoning;
7. More frequent consumption of fish and less frequent of red meat and animal fat;
8. Moderate consumption of wine and only with the main meals;
9. Water as the main drink throughout the day;
10. Social life and sharing around the table.